with Marco Llorente

Is sustainability just a passing trend or is it meant to last over time? What should companies due to be more sustainable? Has the pandemic changed consumer habits? 

These questions and many others were answered by Marco Llorente in “Upcycling in fashion: when the brands help the sea,” the newGreen B Talks panel which returns for its fifth appointment. With special guests like a Spanish model and DJ, it analyzes the current situation of the oceans and brand supply chains while underlining the importance of research and development regarding new production systems. 

Cristina Arias, founder of the sustainable product marketplace “Honestica Shop,” went into detail with us about the small sustainable actions on an everyday bases and how fundamental it is to have a solid contribution in communication and from the press in order to educate and raise awareness. Along with Aida Artiles, model and yoga instructor who has based her philosophy of life around the ocean, she also explained what it means to be a responsible consumer in today’s world.

EnricGener, artist and photographer of marine landscapes, as well asGàdorMuntaner, marine biologist, wondered out loud if there were enough resources in the oceans for the fashion industry, which then led to a vast reflection on upcycling.

Álvaro De Juan on the other hand, editor and director of Esquire, told us which fashion brands he thinks are still putting off attempts to be more sustainable.

Find out more by watching the video of the panel discussion with Marco Llorenteand stay tuned so you don’t miss out on the next appointment.

Marco Llorente

Thriving PR, DJ and model in Spain, Marco Llorenteis a former airline pilot who left the business to dedicate himself to music. His relationship with sustainability comes from the fashion world. He learned to enhance every piece, giving a second life to those that were left unused and therefore he became an expert in Upcycling. He supports green brands, which respect the environment during production, and strongly believes that awareness regarding climate change is the first step towards changing things.